Which is pretty much the story of this blog, to date. We decided a couple years ago that it would be a great idea(?) to start a Threshold People blog, to help our fans keep track of breaking, up-to-the-minute news about our doings(??), but we didn't get around to actually setting it up until September 2008. Then we got all excited about how cool it was going to be, and argued over layout and text colors, and who was going to write content, and what should go on our links list, and it was all we could talk about... and then we just sort of stopped, and left it to gather dust for nine months [insert hideous birth metaphor according to your inclination].
Now we're back, and this time we, er, mean it. We have some cool projects tentatively in the works that you might be interested to know about as they happen, but apart from the band-related announcements, this is also a place for us to vent our enthusiasm about classic horror and kindred topics, as the mood strikes us.
It's a good bet that if you're reading this, you are already familiar with The Threshold People, but if you've somehow stumbled across us unawares: we are an electronic music group from Massachusetts (USA) that plays a style of Monster Music we call horrorbeat. Our obsession and raison d'être is Classic Horror, especially the movies, and we got together to make music in tribute to our gristly heroes.
We are fortunate enough to be research fellows at The Plaguedream Institute, and our first two EPs (and a remix album) are available for free download from the Institute's outreach label, This Plague of Dreaming. Come check us out!
If you like what you hear, we'd love to hear from you! Being a web-based project instead of a performing band, we miss interacting with our audience. If you feel like getting in touch, just comment in this blog, or Friend us on MySpace. We're especially eager (for reasons that will be made clear in a future post) to make contact with other unsigned Monster Music acts, but anyone who loves the old monsters is welcome in the House of The Threshold People.
Check back soon for updates! And watch out for snakes!
i'm a follower, best wishes for this new adventure in blogland.
Thanks! We'll try to keep it interesting!
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