
Terrifying New Netlabel (Maybe?)

[reposted from our MySpace blog]

We love monster music. Horrorpunk, horrorbeat, spooky surf, Halloween novelty records, monster film soundtracks, we love it all. We love it so much that we got together to make our own. We've had a lot of fun, made some friends, and put out a couple records that we're pretty happy with.

But it's not enough for us anymore. We want more monster music.

So we had an idea: why not start our own monster music netlabel, as a side-label of This Plague of Dreaming? In addition to hosting our own future releases, we would like the label to feature other horrorbeat and horrorpunk artists, spooky singer-songwriters, zombie disco, werewolf ballads, pipe-organ phantasmagorias, Halloween songs. Nothing too nekro or gore-drenched, just good spooky fun. Monster music, right?

We're not saying we'll definitely do it, but if we can find a few other interested artists, we just might. (This is what we were hinting at in our previous post. Seriously, if this sounds like you, get in touch!)


Sypha said...

Should I ever record anything that falls into any of the categories that you just listed, I'll let you know.

The Threshold People said...

Good! We were planning on asking you!